Copper dishomeostasis causes a misbalance in Catecholamine levels

Copper serves as a signaling and regulatory molecule as well as a cofactor of important enzymes in the brain, and is thus required for proper brain development and functioning. Irregularities in copper metabolism can lead to several disorders, including Menkes disease and Wilson’s disease. Menkes disease is the result of genetic mutations altering ATP7A, a … Read more

Zinc deficiency causes neural tube defects through attenuation of p53 ubiquitylation

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common birth defect worldwide and can occur do to environmental factors like micronutrition. Deficiencies in folic acid concentrations have been heavily associated with human NTDs due to neurulation’s dependency on the methionine cycle and folate cycle. Neurulation is the formation of the nervous system from the ectoderm … Read more